We all have it.
A space within that is stunningly amazing, pure untouched gold.
It lies deep within, inside our inner heart.
Nothing can ever touch this place. It is what we are made of, where we come from. It is innately within us all, bar none, and you can feel it in another when you deeply connect with them.
Have you ever held a newborn infant? You can feel this gold, this preciousness, as it emanates from them. It pours forth and it is palpable. They are pure love in a teeny tiny body.
We are all born that way. ALL of us.
So how do we go from that gold, that pure love, to walking around today as we are: checked out, angry, anxious, fearful, frustrated by life?
We have all had experiences in life that have crushed us: things that have happened, whether that be in the form of abuse of some form, not being accepted for who we are, or learning to please others to fit in.
These experiences begin to build crusted layers on top of the precious gold within.
In our innate core, we are extremely sensitive beings. We sense everything in our environment, and pick up on everything going on around us, much like we did as an infant before we learned to speak. For an infant, feeling is everything. Our ability to feel deeply still remains, but we have learned to shut that down by the experiences we have had in life.
We begin to accumulate hurts from life: perhaps our mother spoke to us quite cross because she was having a bad day, and we took this personally. Perhaps another child at school was jealous of us and bullied us. Perhaps we witnessed our parents fighting and blamed ourselves for this behaviour – the hurts we can and do accumulate are endless.
We learn to shut down how we are feeling, because the world tells us ‘You’re too sensitive’; that feeling is not acceptable, and so we bury what we are feeling and we soldier on, doing what is needed, but not considering how we are actually feeling inside.
Layer after crusted layer gets built upon the gold. The hurts of what we feel are buried more.
Then one day, something happens. A crack occurs. It could be an illness, a disease, a death, a breakup, a shock of some sort to wake us up from our slumber of burying everything.
We are shaken and we take a step back. We are shaken enough to become willing to consider something different. Perhaps we say, “I cannot continue to live this way”.
When this happens, and these moments are true gifts, a space is provided for a stop, the space to open up and be willing to take a look at what has been piled upon the gold within.
These times can be super intense! But perhaps they need to be, if they are waking us up from living in a way that we are not honoring of the gold we innately are within.
Support from a professional can be critical at this time.
We never need to do it alone, for we are indeed never truly alone.
It is a such a huge step in self-care to open up and reach out to someone for support, whomever that may be. By reaching out, we are allowing space for ourselves, allowing vulnerability, and a willingness to see what is underneath it all.
This step in healing really needs to be celebrated more as the act of true self-care that it is; the potential start of moving through life in a way that supports us from our true centre.
We can all return to that place of gold within, the love in our inner heart. When we are each truly willing to look at and feel the layers that have been crusted on top of the gold, miracles happen.
We begin to see our innate worth. We observe life, and we begin to see the areas where we have been operating from our hurts. We take responsibility.
This isn’t always a super comfortable process. But at the end of the day, it is so worth it. The level of connection we gain within and with others is priceless, for we are returning to what has always been, the beauty that lies deep inside.
We become steadier in life and our experiences no longer rock us for we remain solidly placed in the knowing of who we truly are.
We see others as the same, but perhaps simply operating from a layer of hurt in the moment. Judgement, fear, hurt, backlash, imposition, expectation, pictures, and more all begin to show themselves for what they are: killers to connection with ourselves and others. As these things come up, we have the opportunity to deal with each of them. This brings us back, closer to our inner heart, which is connected to others. We begin to feel the deep deep love held within that was always there, the love for ourselves and for others. We are clearing the layers that have held us hostage for a very, very long time.
All of this takes a willingness: a willingness to ‘go there’, to see what lies within. A willingness to let go of control, of needing to know everything and a surrender to what lies within, knowing that it is already perfect, whole and complete. ✨